Welcome to VAREYE!

  1. Absorbing a QRC - App with Login.
  2. Absorbing a QRC - App without Login (truck drivers).
  3. Absorbing a QRC - PC with Login.
  4. Absorbing a QRC - PC without Login.
  5. Check the transportation status of a supply.
  6. Confirming the absorbed weight.
  7. Create a self-managed transportation.
  8. Assign transportation to third-parties Logistics Providers.
  9. Set-up a “Material” to supply or produce.
  10. Creating a Company.
  11. Creating an User within a Company.
  12. Viewing the status of supplies.

1. Smartphone app alternative with login:

1. Press the red button “AC Absorb QR Code”.
2. Scan the code with your smartphone.
3. If the QRC that you entered was meant for you, then a green outlay will appear confirming that the code was absorbed. From this moment you are the custodian of the material.
4. If the QRC number is wrong, blocked, not recognized or otherwise not belonging to your CoC, then a red outlay will appear stating that the QRC was not absorbed. In this case, please check the correctness of the QRC that you inserted, or contact the previous ring of the CoC that advised you about the incoming QRC.

2. Smartphone app alternative without login (only available for truck drivers):

1. Open the smartphone app.
2. Check that the telephone number is corresponding to the one that should absorb the QRC.
3. Scan the QRC.

3. PC alternative with login:

1. From your main page press the red button “AC Absorb QR Code”.
2. Enter the QRC number in the pop-up window.
3. Press the button “Read QRC”.
4. If the QRC that you entered was meant for you, then a green outlay will appear confirming that the code was absorbed. From this moment you are the custodian of the material.
5. If the QRC number is wrong, blocked, not recognized or otherwise not belonging to your CoC, then a red outlay will appear stating that the QRC was not absorbed. In this case, please check the correctness of the QRC that you inserted, or contact the previous ring of the CoC that advised you about the incoming QRC.

4. PC alternative without login:

1. From your main page of VAREYE press the red button “AC Absorb QR Code”.
2. Enter the QRC number in the pop-up window and the telephone number corresponding to the user who received the information to absorb the QRC (this is needed for custodian identification purposes).
3. Press the button “Read QRC”.
4. If the QRC that you entered was meant for you, then a green outlay will appear confirming that the code was absorbed. From this moment you are the custodian of the material.
5. If the QRC number is wrong, blocked, not recognized or otherwise not belonging to your CoC, then a red outlay will appear stating that the QRC was not absorbed. In this case, please check the correctness of the QRC that you inserted, or contact the previous ring of the CoC that advised you about the incoming QRC.

5. Checking the status of the transportation for a Supply:

1. Select from the top menu “CoC” and select the tab “For you to carry out” or “For you to manage”.
2. Press the arrow under the “Sent/Forwarded” column button. The page “Transport of supply #” will appear.
3. The first half of the page shows the transports that you self-manage, the second half the transports that you assigned to third-party Logistics Providers.
4. A red square under the “Absorbed” column will tell that the supply has not been taken in charge (QRC not yet absorbed) by the LP or the Destinee. A yellow square will indicate that the supply is on its way but did not reach its destination. A green square indicates that the supply reached its destination and the QRC was absorbed by the Destinee.
5. Press the “Details” button to show on a pop-up window all details about the transportation of that particular part of supply and its CoC details 6. By pressing on each square of the transports assigned to third-party LPs you can see and change your assignments and their related QRCs.

6. Confirming the absorbed weight:

1. Select from the top menu “CoC” and select the tab “For you to carry out” or “For you to manage”.
2. Press the arrow under the “Sent/Forwarded” column button. The page “Transport of supply #” will appear.
3. The first half of the page shows the transports that you self-manage, the second half the transports that you assigned to third-party Logistics Providers.
4. A red square under the “Absorbed” column will tell that the supply has not been taken in charge (QRC not yet absorbed) by the LP or the Destinee. A yellow square will indicate that the supply is on its way but did not reach its destination. A green square indicates that the supply reached its destination and the QRC was absorbed by the Destinee.
5. Press the “Details” button to show on a pop-up window all details about the transportation of that particular part of supply and its CoC details 6. By pressing on each square of the transports assigned to third-party LPs you can see and change your assignments and their related QRCs.

7. Self-managed transportation:

This transportation mode implies that you use your internal resources and means of transportation to transfer your material to the pre-set Destinee, or that you call-in and manage yourself third-party suppliers of transportation (i.e., you call independent truck drivers to come, collect your materials and deliver them to the destination). The Destinee cannot be changed. .
I.e. you might have in-house trucks to deliver your supply, or you might want to hire trucks from another Company and have them come to your premises, collect your supply and deliver to the next ring of your Chain of Custody. In all cases, you and your transporters remain the Custodian of the material until it reaches the destination..

To organize a self-managed transportation:
1. Select from the top menu “CoC”.
2. Select the button “Details” on the desired supply or sub-supply.
3. Select the desired view (Folder, Tree vertical, Tree horizontal). Press the green square box that identifies your supply lot ready to be shipped.
4. Press “Create own transport” in the pop-up window.
5. Insert in the new pop-up window the weight that you intend to ship, check that the destination is correct.
6. Leave the “Transporter’s Company” field blank if you use your own resources, or select the LP that you will call-in and manage.
7. Insert the mobile number of the next ring in the Chain of Custody: i.e. the mobile telephone number of your own truck driver – if you use your own resources, or the mobile telephone of the LP that you selected (you created it as an User earlier) .
8. Insert any notes that you might find useful in the “Notes” field.
9. Press “Save”.
10. A pop-up window will appear showing the details of your transaction and the QRC dedicated to this transportation, that must be scanned by the next custodian (i.e. a truck driver).
11. ATTENTION: only in the case that the transportation happens via railway and it is not possible to obtain information about the next custodian, please tick the box: “Transporter not recordable in VAREYE. (e.g. train)”. In this case, you shall be the Custodian of the goods until the goods reach their next destination.
12. Close the remaining pop-up windows to return to your main page. By pressing the arrow corresponding to your supply under “Sent/Forwarded”, you shall land on the page summarizing the status of all the transportations you generated - Check the transportation status of a supply.

In the case of multiple supplies for a single lot, please just create as many sub-lots for transportation as needed by repeatedly following the steps above and assigning the correct weights to each sub-lot until the whole lot is depleted. It is also possible to send sub-lots via assigning the transportation to third-party Logistics Providers - Create a transportation via third-party LP.

8. Assign transportation to third-parties Logistics Providers:

This transportation mode implies that you do not manage at all the transportation: an LP is in charge of collecting from your premises and to deliver to destination your material. In this case you cannot change the destination of the material, i.e. by selecting an intermediate warehouse where you material will be stored until a full load for the LP will be available. In this case the Warehouse must have been set-up as an User before by yourself. The LP will be able to collect your supply and directly send to destination, or to collect and store your supply before shipping to destination. In all cases, you will be no more the Custodian of the material and the custody responsibility will pass to the LP.

To assign the transportation to a third-party Logistics Provider:
1. Select from the top menu “CoC”.
2. Select the button “Details” on the desired supply or sub-supply.
3. Select the desired view (Folder, Tree vertical, Tree horizontal). Press the green square box that identifies your supply lot ready to be shipped.
4. Press “Assign to transportation” in the pop-up window.
5. Input the weight that you want to assign to the LP for transportation.
6. Select the destination from the pop-up menu if you want to change it or leave the Destinee.
7. Select from the drop-down list of the “Via LP” field the right LP that you want to use.
8. Add any note that you might find useful in the field “Note”.
9. Press “Save”.
10. A new block in your CoC will appear in the page “Chain of Supply ID” identifying that you have assigned a transportation to an LP. You can still modify your selection by clicking on the corresponding square and deleting the entry or change the LP by pressing the button “Assign to transportation”.
11. Close the remaining pop-up windows to return to your main page. By pressing the arrow corresponding to your supply under “Sent/Forwarded”, you shall land on the page summarizing the status of all the transportations you generated - Check the transportation status of a supply.

The operations above can be repeated until the full supply lot has been dispatched. It is also possible to send sub-lots via managing the transportation yourself - Create a self-managed transportation.

9. Set-up a “Material” to supply or produce:

Set-up the “Material” that you want to generate a QRC for or a new Product. This operation is going to be carried out normally once. To do so:.

1. Select the drop-down menu “Settings”.
2. Select “Materials”.
3. Select the green “+” button to add a new material.
4. In the pop-up window insert the name of the material – please insert a meaningful description that will help you in the future avoiding confusion, in the case that you produce several raw materials.
5. Insert the weight tolerance acceptable for your material.
6. Check the “Active” box to make the material available for your QRC generation.
7. Press the button “Save” to go to the list of materials that you have created.

10. Creating a Company:

Create Companies that will be your Supplier, Logistics Providers, Transformers, Warehouses, End-users, according to your specific needs. This operation will be carried out only from time to time. To do so:.

1. Select the drop-down menu “Settings”.
2. Select “Company”.
3. Select the green “+” button to add a new Company.
4. In the pop-up window insert the required information: name of the Company, type of Company (Supplier, Logistics Provider, Transformer, End-user, Warehouse).
5. Check the “Active” box to make the Company available for your QRC generation.
6. Press the button “Save” to go to the list of Companies that you have created.

It is always possible to modify the properties of an item that you created by pressing the pen-shaped icon on the right-hand side of the screen. It is always possible to view the details of an item by pressing the eye-shaped icon. You can delete an item created previously by pressing the waste bin icon, but exclusively in the case that such item has not been used already within the Chain of Custody. In this case, the item is fixed and cannot be modified.

11. Creating an User within a Company:

Each Company must be associated to at least one User in order to assign the Custody of the materials. This operation will be carried out only from time to time. To do so:.

1. Select the drop-down menu “Settings”.
2. Select “Users”.
3. Select the green “+” button to add a new user.
4. In the pop-up window insert the required information: Phone number (it must be a mobile in order to be able to access all features coming from VAREYE on smartphone), e-mail address, name of the contact person. Select the Company the User belongs to from the drop-down list. Select the type of User (Supervisors can create additional Users, simple Users cannot).
5. Check the “Active” box to make the user available for your QRC generation.
6. Press the button “Save” to go to the list of users that you have created.

It is always possible to modify the properties of an item that you created by pressing the pen-shaped icon on the right-hand side of the screen. It is always possible to view the details of an item by pressing the eye-shaped icon. You can delete an item created previously by pressing the waste bin icon, but exclusively in the case that such item has not been used already within the Chain of Custody. In this case, the item is fixed and cannot be modified.

12. Viewing the status of supplies:

In order to navigate more comfortably through the system, VAREYE provides several means to view the status of your supplies and transportations. Particularly, you can always option to see the dependencies in a straightforward Folder view, or in tree format – horizontal and vertical.

You can access the views by pressing any “Details” button from the main screen. The tree format is particularly useful to maintain an overview of several concurring processes of transportation or transformation.